Purchase Instructions



Step 1

If you have yet to create an account you will need to follow the steps below. Click the button at the right to open a new web tab with the registration page, and then follow the steps given here.

If you already have an account, click the second button to go directly to license selection and checkout.



Step 2

Fill in the required information and select “Register.”



Step 3

You will be sent a verification email. You can either enter the code on the verification page or just follow the verification link.



Step 4

You will then be redirected to this page confirming your verification.



Step 5

Use your newly created account information to login.



Step 6

Once you are logged in, you will be presented with the choices to “Activate License,” “Purchase License,” or “Bulk Purchase.” Select “Purchase License” and check the box for the license type you need.



Step 7

Click “Checkout” and enter the requisite card information to complete the purchase.



Step 8

After the purchase is completed you will be sent one email receipt and another email containing the code associated with your license and brief instructions on activating.